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UX Bootcamp Comparison

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

UX Career Accelerator Comparison Chart

This chart is based on my experiences mentoring and teaching, as well as talking to others who have been through these programs, plus reviewing portfolios. Last updated December 3rd, 2020.

Note, number of projects does not necessarily mean portfolio projects.

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Feb 27, 2020

Also, are you familiar with Tradecraft at all? I know it's in person, but, an interesting option.


Feb 27, 2020

Hi Julia. Thank you so much for creating such great resources! They've been incredibly helpful for me as I evaluate potential online UX bootcamps. One question I had was in relation to mentoring. Quality of mentoring is probably my biggest concern, as the online learning platform is challenging for me. Any thoughts on mentor quality between Flatiron, CF DesignLab? Reviews are pretty all over the place... I also noticed some programs offer "client projects". How heavily do you think I should weight that? I would think having a client project would be great experience, and be more unique than a brief. Thoughts?


Julia DeBari
Julia DeBari
Jan 12, 2020

There is no right time. See how your current job goes and then when you're comfortable, start studying UX on the side. A lot of online programs have part time options.


Jan 11, 2020

Thank you so much for your response! I am very much dedicated to UX design and want to pursue it in my career. I did an internship with the HCI group at Stanford two years ago, but didn’t get a chance to learn more about UX and really immerse myself in it while I was doing my notoriously time consuming double major in college. I decided to go into this other consulting/software engineering role, for now, mostly to start making money and to see if I can pivot into it without doing a costly full time program. But I have the same concern of - if not now, when? especially because I already know how much I want to purs…


Julia DeBari
Julia DeBari
Jan 11, 2020

I answer a lot of these questions over at the UX Mastery forum.

Hearing your story, I would be concerned that you are unfocused in your career.

Flatiron is great (I work there), but you need to really commit. You might want to try CareerFoundry's part-time online course to see if you like it first.

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