Comparing price, length of time, and quality of online UX videos. For a more in-depth list of courses, visit
Number of Videos Available (UX Specific): 49
Time Commitment: Videos range anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Tool specific courses tend to be longer at around 3 - 4 hours.
Total time to watch all videos: 63 hours
Price: $24.99/month$34.99/month (Premium, includes project files)
Review/Comments: I definitely recommend the courses taught by Chris Nodder.
Number of Videos Available: 112
Time Commitment: Videos range anywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes. There is one video that is 40 minutes showing a usability test in action.
Total time to watch all videos: 7.5 hours
Price: $35/month$302/year (one-time payment)
Review/Comments: Colman Walsh is an excellent instructor. The videos do not have quizzes or any way to help retain the information. There is a free (included) exam at the end you can take to get a certificate.
Number of Videos Available: 64
Time Commitment: Videos range anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes. For a few videos, where there is an exercise, they can take around 60 minutes.
Total time to watch all videos: 242 hours (+8 hours of conference video is 250 hours)
Price: $0 - $50/per video
Review/Comments: The videos on Udemy are all over the map as far as quality. The Joe Natoli and David Travis video courses are pretty good.
Number of (UX-type) Videos Available: 6
The Design of Everyday Things
Intro to Psychology
Product Design
Rapid Prototyping
A/B Testing
Intro to HTML and CSS
Time Commitment: Videos range anywhere from 1 minute to 10 minutes.
Total time to watch all videos: 486 hours
Price: Free
Review/Comments: I have only taken The Design of Everyday Things video course. It was excellent. The quality of the training on Udacity is top notch. Videos include quizzes as well.
The Team W
Number of Videos Available: 13 (not including Enterprise Edition videos, which are for teams)
Time Commitment: Videos range anywhere from 1 minute to 12 minutes.
Total time to watch all videos: 14 hours (estimated)
Price: Free to $125/per video
Review/Comments: When I took the courses, they were available on Udemy. They are no longer available there and the content has been updated since only appearing on The Team W's site. The videos include both quizzes and exercises in order to help retain information.
All You Can Learn (AYCL) by UIE
Number of Videos Available: 250+ (plus conference talks)
Time Commitment: Videos are 90 minutes
Total time to watch all videos: 310+ hours
Price: $23/month$16/per video (48 hour access)
Review/Comments: Learn from industry experts on a wide variety of UX topics. These videos are more like seminars, but have excellent content.